Saturday, September 17, 2016

CrossFit in Schools

My colleague, Pierre Tranchemontagne, Tweeted me a video about CrossFit in high schools. He asked me if it was a possibility for a #physed course. The short answer is yes because everything is possible.

I'm no CrossFit expert but I am a personal trainer specialist and a physical education specialist. Here are my two cents about this often controversial topic after viewing the video above.

1) When kids move & learn in a safe environment, it's always a win. Not all students enjoy the traditional physical education dominated by team sports.

2) I really do think extra education helps physical education teachers. If a teacher wants to get extra certifications go for it. We must try to stay within our scope of abilities.

3) With good periodization such a class could help students find a positive outlet during high school.

1) Can our current teacher : student ratio allow the students to learn proper lifting mechanics and techniques without hurting their long term health? 

2) I wouldn't change the entire physical education program around CrossFit. I strongly believe in variety of physical activities to reach as many students as possible. However, if having a CrossFit or personal fitness class as an option means more students get to move in high school, then by all means, go for it.

3) At the elementary level, I would rather see proficient movers instead of lifters. I think it's more important that teachers learn how to move efficiently and use their bodies properly so that they can then teach their young students to do the same.


  1. I agree. Any positive way to get kids enjoying healthy activity is awesome. Adding it to current programs might be the way to start. Anyone know local crossfit trainers in south western Ontario?

  2. I googled and found one in Windsor
