Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Bell Let's Talk Day 2022

 #BellLetsTalkDay annual post:

I am so happy that more and more people are openly talking about their mental health journey. The more we talk about it, the less stigma there will be.
This year, I wanted to share what I've learned since opening up about my mental health successes and struggles.
1) Anxiety doesn't go away. You learn how to live with it. Your learn about your triggers. You learn how to avoid them or confront them.
2) Seeking help is not a sign of weakness. To the contrary, it takes strength and courage at first to admit that you need help...but honestly, once that first step is taken, talking to someone about your strengths, your weaknesses, your fears, your emotions becomes normal. Speaking to a professional allows you to learn more about yourself.
3) After my first panic attack, so many people opened up to me. They told me their stories. We are forever bonded. To be honest, no one really understands it unless they go through it themselves. Trust me when I say, you are not alone.
4) Taking care of your physical health helps but it might not be enough. Walk in the forest, read a book, meditate, practice mindfulness. Your brain/mental health need training as well (not just your biceps and legs).
5) Unfortunately, some people might not understand what you are going through but that's okay. From my experience, opening up about it has helped so much more than it has hindered.
6) Bell Let's Talk Day is great at getting the conversation started and funding much needed programs. However, we need to keep this conversation going daily. We need to show empathy to those with mental illnesses or those who are struggling temporarily with their mental health.
7) You are not defined by your emotions. You are allowed to have emotions. Toxic positivity is real (and is not sustainable).

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