Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Things I hope to remember while raising my daughter

This is my first official blog! Here's a list of things I've been preaching as a coach and teacher that I hope to remember now that I have my very own daughter. There's no order to this madness. I will add to the list as life goes on.

#1 I want my daughter to say thank you after every practice and every school day. As a coach and teacher, I appreciate it.

#2 I hope to remember that there are always two sides to every story even if my daughter comes home complaining about her day. Communication solves almost everything.

#3 I really hope I'll never be a helicopter parent! I have to let her learn as much as she can by exploring.

#4 I am her father not her friend. Yes we can have fun together but I will have to make tough decisions for her at times.

#5 I will let her do her own homework. I will help her when needed but I'm not the one who will be evaluated, she will.

#6 She will play the sports she wants to. I will be there to encourage her and only ask her if she had fun. I will only give feedback if she asks,

#7 I will randomly say good job via e-mails to her teachers and coaches.

#8 She will order her own food at restaurants regardless of how long it takes. We will also take time to eat. There's no need to always hurry in life!

#9 I will be a good role model. I will read, I will exercise and I'll never speak negatively about her coaches, teachers, teammates and classmates.

#10 She doesn't need to know about my issues (financial, personal and etc.).

#11 I want her to know where food comes from. We will garden and cook together. (added May 15, 2018)

Here's a fantastic Ted Talk about raising brave girls:

My next blog will be written in French: <<Pourquoi évaluer en éducation physique?>>


Well I wrote this two years ago and I still feel the same. Since then, I had the pleasure to write a blog post for Human 2.0 about Raising a Brave Girl. Please give it a read and let me know what you think.

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